Holiday、Vacation、Days off、Leave、Break



『a holiday』:每個人都放假的日子,例如宗教、節慶或國定紀念日,通常這些假日是法定假日,當美國人提及 the holidays/the holiday season,他們指的是包括Christmas, Hanukkah(猶太人聖節), 以及New Year's Day的這段假期,如 New Year holiday, a legal holiday, a national holiday。但不包括週末,如果是週末必須說on a weekend。

on holiday/on one’s holiday 休假中

half-holiday/half-day 半天休假

I am going to take a week’s holiday in June.

May 1st is a holiday in many European countries.


『a vacation』:通常指停止工作或讀書的假期,與天數無關。
如 summer vacation, winter vacation, annual vacation, Christmas vacation。

go on vacation/ take a vacation 自己放假

be on vacation 度假中

They are on vacation now. (on 後面不接任何冠詞)

I am planning on visiting my parents during Christmas vacation.

He plans to go on vacation for most of July.


『days off』:純粹指不用上班,休息的日子或一段時間,例如週末,就是days off。

[一段時間+off] (通常用take/have當動詞)

He has a day off today.

She had two weeks off because she was ill.

I want to take a day off to see the doctor. (我想自己一天不上班去看醫生。)

I got an afternoon off and went to the ball game. (請兩小時假看球賽。)


『a leave』:亦可當假期,但通常必須是自己申請的休假。
如ask for leave (請假)grant leave (准假)overstay one’s leave (超假)sick leave (病假)maternity leave(產假)annual leave(年假)。

on leave告假中

go home on leave請假回家

take one’s leave告辭

take French leave不告而別

I met her while I was on leave.

She is on six week’s paid leave. (她正在度六週有薪假期)

I get leave twice a year. = I have two leaves a year. (我一年有兩次休假)


『a break』:短時間的休息,亦指課堂間的短暫休息或音樂會的中場休息。

have/take a break 休息一下

Give me a break! (饒了我吧)

There was a break in the concert.

Let’s have a coffee/tea break.

They usually go shopping during their lunch break.

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