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CKD 是 Complete Knock Down 是指以全散裝件的方式進口後再進行組裝動作

SKD 是Semi Knock Down 則是指以半成品方式組裝進口



對於OEM而言,若想在激烈的市場競爭中生存,須採用非常有效的供應鏈管理和精細的成本計算方法,否則未來盈利能力將會面臨很大的挑戰。為了降低或避免電視整機的進口稅,OEM通常採用半散件組裝(Semi Knock Down, SKD)的裝配方式,SKD為在半成品組裝(Complete Knock Down, CKD)整體物料清單(BOM)的基礎上,將BOM材料打包為4~5個元件,然後再運送到目標區域或市場的SKD製造工廠,最後再裝配成整機。

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作者 sopi ()
標題 [爆卦] 高麗菜暴漲暴跌的八掛

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Holiday、Vacation、Days off、Leave、Break



『a holiday』:每個人都放假的日子,例如宗教、節慶或國定紀念日,通常這些假日是法定假日,當美國人提及 the holidays/the holiday season,他們指的是包括Christmas, Hanukkah(猶太人聖節), 以及New Year's Day的這段假期,如 New Year holiday, a legal holiday, a national holiday。但不包括週末,如果是週末必須說on a weekend。


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作者XXXXGAY (站長小妹)

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原文 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1440241483.A.B10.html


作者 Czar (Cz)
標題 Re: [問卦] 中國人的美德在我們年輕一輩漸漸衰敗?

時間 Sat Aug 22 19:04:40 2015

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原文from Ptt 作者miin777

背景2015/6/27 八仙樂園 彩色派對 粉塵爆炸事件


作者miin777 (無奈的人)

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原文 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1427619430.A.EAA.html


作者feelar (艾吉爾)
標題Re: [問卦] 蝦子怎麼吃最好吃
時間Sun Mar 29 16:57:07 2015

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一些不同的觀點 純分享

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來源 http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=596&t=2002233


SL - Super Light 是超輕系列,採用GTX PECLITE居多,多適合旅行、方便攜帶。
LT - Light
MX - Mixed Use

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作者: stantheman


Manifesto of Arming~ By Ju Gheh Liang

    Coutier Liang states:

    The late emporer passed away before accomplishing half of his feat. The world is presently devided into three while Sichuan is sterile and ravaged now, and this is indeed the critical moment for our survival! The guarding courtiers never relax in the palace, and the loyal officials are all devoted to the battlefield. They contribute themselves to your imperial mejesty in memory of the late emperor's exceptional grace to them. Thus, your imperial majesty, you should open your ears and listen to them
to glorify the late emporer's legacy of virtue as well as to enhance the morale of these loyal coutiers, and your majesty, you shouldn't look down on yourself, neither should you block their advises with the distorted analogies. The palace and the office of prime minister are in unity. There shouldn't be any discriminations among the rewardings to the virtuous and the punishment to those who make mistakes. Both the criminals and the virtuous should be dispatched to their due places for the treatment
which they deserve in order to highlight your equal and just governance. Therefore, your imperial majesty, you shouldn't favor anyone and differentiate the laws within and without the palace. The high secretary and the vice ministers, Guo Yo-Chi, Fei Yi and Dong Yun are all righteous and honest with pure and loyal mind. They were all promoted by the late emperor to aid you. I think every affair, whether important or trivial, in the palace could be scrutinized by them before the execution, and then
there shouldn't be any errors. General Shang Chong is a virtuous person with plenty of military knowledge. The late emporer praised him able when he was in his probation period. Thus everyone suggested he be the marshal. I think you could entrust him to manage everything in the army and he must be able to consolidate all soldiers and arrange a due post for each one. Getting long with the wise and virtuous courtiers and leaving away the vile and pleasimg people, that's how the West Han Dynasty rose.
Getting along with latter and leaving away the former, that's why the East Han Dynasty fell. Whenever the late emporer talked about it with me, he always repented of what Emporer Hwan and Emporer Ling had done. The ministers, vice ministers, administrators and staff are all loyal and virtuous courtiers. I wish you could believe and trust them, and the imperial family of Han will rise again in the near future.

    I was just a common farmer cultivating alone in Nan-Yang. I just wished to survive in such a chaotic world without being known to any princes. The late emporer didn't care about my humble background and degraded himself to visit my shabby hut three times in person to ask me the situation under the heaven. I was so grateful to him that I promised him to devote myself to him for all my life to return his grace. Later, since we were seriously defeated and nearly terminated twenty-one years ago, I have
been assigned the position of the general military advisor. The former emperor knew I am prudent, thus he entrusted me the important missions when he was passing away. Since the grand assignment, for every day and night, in fear of staining the late emperor's reputation, I have been worried if I fulfill the mission which the late emperor entrusted me. This May we crossed the Lu River and marched into the deep sterile field. Now the south is all pacified, and the arms and soldiers are both fully
recruited, it's time that I, with all my endeavors, lead the troups northward to regain the central land, expulse the vile villains, restore the Han Dynasty, and resettle in the ancient capital. This is all I could do to return the late emperor's grace and fulfill the position you grant to me. When it comes to weighing the benefit against the loss and advising, Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun will take their responsibility. I wish you could entrust me the mission of eliminating all the national rascals. If I fail
to achieve it, I'm willing to take the punishment to console the soul of the late emperor. If Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun fail to well advice, they should also be punished to demonstrate their mistakes. And your imperial majesty, you should also speculate for yourself and accept all good advices to follow the edict the late emperor left to you. I couldn't be more grateful to your and the late emporer's favor. Now I'm leaving, in front of this manifesto with tears on my face, I dont know know what I've said.

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來源 http://blog.xuite.net/gutman.hung/mylife/22233574




GORE-TEX® Performance Shell 

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出處 http://plamc.pixnet.net/blog/post/29204768-%E6%BB%BF%E6%B8%85%E6%98%AF%E6%80%8E%E9%BA%BC%E6%BB%85%E4%BA%A1%E7%9A%84%3F

作者 普蘭可




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基本上把我想說的都表達了 而且更有條理


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國防之患:不修國防 大興宮殿 粉飾太平                    
外交之患:大敵當前 外無盟友 孤立無援                     
財政之患:分配不公 鋪張浪費 窮盡民用                     

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不錯的資源... 邪教真的很多





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 作者  baylin (hi)                                            看板  Gossiping  
 標題  Re: [新聞] 不砍肥貓 綠委嗆農委會下台                                    
 時間  Thu Sep 27 01:58:46 2012                                                

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總公司 Head Office
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