聯合報:三聚氰胺容許量》紐國5ppm 歐盟2.5ppm
歐盟和紐西蘭的食品安全官方網站,昨天都緊急貼出三聚氰胺容許量最新公告,其中歐盟將容許量訂為二點五ppm(百萬分之一濃度),衛生署雖已初步掌握, 但不敢告訴台灣民眾。...而英國食品標準局的網站,這兩天也在網頁發佈歐盟食品安全委員會有關三聚氰胺容許量,也是訂為二點五ppm,並指歐洲販售乳製 品含三聚氰胺風險很低。
一〉根據紐西蘭政府網站,紐西蘭幼童單日危險量為 1 ppm:
"However for starter infant formula, this level will be set to the current level of test detection of 1 ppm."
二〉歐盟食品管理局網站公佈的TDI〈每人每日容忍量〉標準依然 0.5 ppm體重,。請注意,這是每人每日容忍量〈請見下面說明〉,不是產品容許含量上限:
"High levels of melamine can primarily affect the kidneys. EFSA applied the TDI of 0.5 mg/kg body weight for melamine in a specific case of contamination in 2007[3]." (mg/kg = ppm)
裡面的確提到,來自中國牛奶成份超過15%的產品必需受檢,三聚氰胺成份超過 2.5mg/kg的產品必須被銷毀。
"All products from China containing more than 15% milk as an ingredient, or products where the percentage of milk content cannot be established, will be subject to documentary, identity and physical
checks, including laboratory analysis, to determine that any levels of melamine present in the product do not exceed 2.5 mg/kg. Those products with more than 2.5mg/kg will be destroyed."
"There has been a longstanding ban on the import of milk and other products of animal origin from China as controls on the food industry in China do not meet the very strict requirements set in the EU."
由於中國的食品工業不符合歐盟的規定, 所以來自中國的牛奶及動物製品已經長期被禁止進口。
[3] Because there is uncertainty with respect to the time scale for development of kidney damage, EFSA used the TDI of 0.5 mg/kg body weight which is protective for exposure over a lifetime in considering possible effects of exposure to melamine over a relatively short period, such as might occur with repeated consumption of melamine contaminated products
In the absence of available data for contaminated milk powder, EFSA also used the highest value of melamine, reported in Chinese infant formula as a basis for worst case scenarios. EFSA stressed that it is not known at the moment whether such theoretical high level exposure scenarios could occur in Europe.
以下是歐盟食品管理單位〈EFSA:European Food Safety Authority〉應歐盟執委會要求〈見附一〉,於九月二十四日提供之針對三聚氰氨對歐洲公共衛生之風險評估。〈不是容許攙入的量,是要瞭解這個事件對 歐洲造成的公共健康傷害及風險為何。〉根據該文件,目前沒有證據顯示三聚氰氨污染影響到歐洲。〈請問衛生署對台灣民眾的健康受害風險評估為何?〉
Statement of EFSA on risks for public health due to the presences of melamine in infant milk and other milk products in China
附一:歐盟執委會〈European Commission〉九月十九日之要求函
The import into the EU of milk and milk products originating from China is prohibited by EU legislation. However, composite food products imported into the EU could contain or could be made from milk and milk products......
Even if for the time being there is no evidence that food products containing melamine have been imported into the EU, it is appropriate to assess, based on the information provided as regards the presence of melamine in milk and milk products, the possible food products such as biscuits and confectionary (in particular chocolate) containing or made from milk and milk products containing melamine....
"However for starter infant formula, this level will be set to the current level of test detection of 1 ppm."
二〉歐盟食品管理局網站公佈的TDI〈每人每日容忍量〉標準依然 0.5 ppm體重,。請注意,這是每人每日容忍量〈請見下面說明〉,不是產品容許含量上限:
"High levels of melamine can primarily affect the kidneys. EFSA applied the TDI of 0.5 mg/kg body weight for melamine in a specific case of contamination in 2007[3]." (mg/kg = ppm)
裡面的確提到,來自中國牛奶成份超過15%的產品必需受檢,三聚氰胺成份超過 2.5mg/kg的產品必須被銷毀。
"All products from China containing more than 15% milk as an ingredient, or products where the percentage of milk content cannot be established, will be subject to documentary, identity and physical
checks, including laboratory analysis, to determine that any levels of melamine present in the product do not exceed 2.5 mg/kg. Those products with more than 2.5mg/kg will be destroyed."
"There has been a longstanding ban on the import of milk and other products of animal origin from China as controls on the food industry in China do not meet the very strict requirements set in the EU."
由於中國的食品工業不符合歐盟的規定, 所以來自中國的牛奶及動物製品已經長期被禁止進口。
[3] Because there is uncertainty with respect to the time scale for development of kidney damage, EFSA used the TDI of 0.5 mg/kg body weight which is protective for exposure over a lifetime in considering possible effects of exposure to melamine over a relatively short period, such as might occur with repeated consumption of melamine contaminated products
In the absence of available data for contaminated milk powder, EFSA also used the highest value of melamine, reported in Chinese infant formula as a basis for worst case scenarios. EFSA stressed that it is not known at the moment whether such theoretical high level exposure scenarios could occur in Europe.
以下是歐盟食品管理單位〈EFSA:European Food Safety Authority〉應歐盟執委會要求〈見附一〉,於九月二十四日提供之針對三聚氰氨對歐洲公共衛生之風險評估。〈不是容許攙入的量,是要瞭解這個事件對 歐洲造成的公共健康傷害及風險為何。〉根據該文件,目前沒有證據顯示三聚氰氨污染影響到歐洲。〈請問衛生署對台灣民眾的健康受害風險評估為何?〉
Statement of EFSA on risks for public health due to the presences of melamine in infant milk and other milk products in China
附一:歐盟執委會〈European Commission〉九月十九日之要求函
The import into the EU of milk and milk products originating from China is prohibited by EU legislation. However, composite food products imported into the EU could contain or could be made from milk and milk products......
Even if for the time being there is no evidence that food products containing melamine have been imported into the EU, it is appropriate to assess, based on the information provided as regards the presence of melamine in milk and milk products, the possible food products such as biscuits and confectionary (in particular chocolate) containing or made from milk and milk products containing melamine....