學英文吧 難得有人做翻譯
作者: cxzdsa (cxzdsa) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] Japanese election upends long-ruling party
時間: Mon Aug 31 04:45:37 2009
TOKYO – Japan's ruling party conceded a crushing defeat Sunday after 54 years
of nearly unbroken rule as voters were poised to hand the opposition a
landslide victory in nationwide elections, driven by economic anxiety and a
powerful desire for change.
The left-of-center Democratic Party of Japan was set to win 300 or more of
the 480 seats in the lower house of parliament, ousting the Liberal Democrats
, who have governed Japan for all but 11 months since 1955, according to exit
polls by all major Japanese TV networks.
"These results are very severe," Prime Minister Taro Aso said in a news
conference at party headquarters, conceding his party was headed for a big
loss. "There has been a deep dissatisfaction with our party."
日本首相Taro Aso在舉行於黨中央的記者會上表示,”這個結果十分嚴重,人民對於我
Aso said he would have to accept responsibility for the results, suggesting
that he would resign as party president. Other LDP leaders also said they
would step down, though official results were not to be released until early
Monday morning.
The loss by the Liberal Democrats — traditionally a pro-business,
conservative party — would open the way for the Democratic Party, headed by
Yukio Hatoyama, to replace Aso and establish a new Cabinet, possibly within
the next few weeks.
自民黨,傳統上的保守黨,將會讓位給由Yukio Hatoyama領導的日本民主黨,
Yukio Hatoyama將取代Aso並且組織內閣.
The vote was seen as a barometer of frustrations over Japan's worst economic
slump since World War II and a loss of confidence in the ruling
Liberal Democrats' ability to tackle tough problems such as the rising
national debt and rapidly aging population.
The Democrats have embraced a more populist platform, promising handouts for
families with children and farmers, a higher minimum wage, and to rebuild
the economy.
"The nation is very angry with the ruling party, and we are grateful for
their deep support," Hatoyama said after the polls closed. "We will not be
arrogant and we will listen to the people."
The Democrats have also said they will seek a more independent relationship
with Washington, while forging closer ties with Japan's Asian neighbors,
including China. But Hatoyama, who holds a doctorate in engineering from
Stanford University, insists he will not seek dramatic change in Japan's
foreign policy, saying the U.S.-Japan alliance would "continue to be the
cornerstone of Japanese diplomatic policy."
Hatoyama,在Stanford University 的工程學博士,堅持他並不會大幅改變日本的外交政策
National broadcaster NHK, using projections based on exit polls of roughly
400,000 voters, said the Democratic Party was set to win 300 seats and the
Liberal Democrats only about 100 — a third of its strength before the
國家廣播電台NHK 根據大約四十萬的投票人使用投影,並且表示,民主黨大約贏得
TV Asahi, another major network, said the Democratic Party would win 315
seats, up from the 112 seats it held before parliament was dissolved in July.
TV Asahi另外一個主要的電視台,表示民主黨將獲得三百一十五個席次,在七月,議會解
As voting closed Sunday night, officials said turnout was high, despite an
approaching typhoon, indicating the intense level of public interest in the
hotly contested campaigns.
Even before the vote was over, the Democrats pounded the ruling party for
driving the country into a ditch.
Japan's unemployment has spiked to record 5.7 percent while deflation has
intensified and families have cut spending because they are insecure about
the future.
Making the situation more dire is Japan's aging demographic — which means
more people are on pensions and there is a shrinking pool of taxpayers to
support them and other government programs.
Many voters said that although the Democrats are largely untested in power
and doubts remain about whether they will be able to deliver on their
promises, the country needs a change.
"We don't know if the Democrats can really make a difference, but we want to
give them a chance," Junko Shinoda, 59, a government employee, said after
voting at a crowded polling center in downtown Tokyo.
Junko Shinoda一位五十九歲的公務員在東京擁擠的鬧區投完票後,表示”我們不確定民
The Democratic Party would only need to win a simple majority of 241 seats in
the lower house to assure that it can name the next prime minister. The
300-plus level would allow it and its two smaller allies the two-thirds
majority they need in the lower house to pass bills.
Having the Democrats in power would smooth policy debates in parliament,
which has been deadlocked since the Democrats and their allies took over the
less powerful upper house in 2007.
To ease parenting costs and encourage more women to have babies, the
Democrats propose giving families 26,000 yen ($275) a month per child
through junior high. Japan's population of 127.6 millionpeaked in 2006, and
is expected to decline to 115 million in 2030 and fall below 100 million by
the middle of the century.
The party is also proposing toll-free highways, free high schools, income
support for farmers, monthly allowances for job seekers in training, a higher
minimum wage and tax cuts. The estimated bill comes to 16.8 trillion yen
($179 billion) if fully implemented starting in fiscal year 2013 — and
critics say the plans would further bloat Japan's massive public debt.
The Democrats will likely face resistance from Japan's powerful bureaucrats,
who favor the status quo and hold a great deal of influence in shaping policy.
Aso — whose own support ratings have sagged to a dismal 20 percent —
repeatedly stressed his party led Japan's rise from the ashes of World War II
into one of the world's biggest economic powers and are best equipped to get
it out of its current morass.
In the end, voter worries about the economy and disenchantment with the LDP's
long grip on power proved too much to overcome.
"It's revolutionary," said Tomoaki Iwai, a political science professor at
Tokyo's Nihon University. "It's the first real change of government" Japan
has had in six decades.
Tomoaki Iwa,一位東京大學的政治系教授表示”這是革命性的這是日本六十年以來第一次
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◆ From:
→ q1234:民主黨蠻親中的... 酸民要哭哭了 ! 08/31 04:48
→ KYOUKA:上一個深得對岸歡心的叫做福田康夫,任期不到一年 08/31 04:50
推 tel5149:自民黨只在野過11個月 看這一次能不能破紀錄 08/31 04:52
推 q1234:對呀 ! 酸民趕快發動手牽手祈禱大會,保祐民主黨趕快下台吧XD 08/31 04:53
→ KYOUKA:我說那個q1234可不可以去看小澤一郎對西藏事件跟九條的看法 08/31 04:54
→ KYOUKA:每次看你在胡說我也很累 08/31 04:55
→ KYOUKA:有時間再去看看菅直人講什麼,不要老看中評社 08/31 04:56
推 q1234:噗吃 ! 民主黨競選主軸之一就是特別強調執政後將深化中日關 08/31 05:02
→ q1234:係 !! 再把眼睛矇起來裝做沒看到沒關係呀 ! XDD 08/31 05:02
→ duolon: 連日本也想親中了 真是一片和諧... 08/31 05:06
→ KYOUKA:還有認為中國應該贊成x灣加入聯合國的咧(白眼) 08/31 05:06
→ KYOUKA:最親中的那個傢伙是自民黨的,已經死了。 08/31 05:07
→ KYOUKA:台灣,系統吃字。 08/31 05:12
→ KYOUKA:另外,わが国の総合的な外交力を一層強化するとともに、 08/31 05:12
→ KYOUKA:中国、韓国など近隣諸国との関係を増進し、這段話也保證 08/31 05:12
→ KYOUKA:不是民主黨的主張啦。 08/31 05:12
推 q1234:噗!! 這次民主黨有哪項主張是支持台灣加入聯合國啦 ?? 人家 08/31 06:09
→ KYOUKA:自己去看菅直人的主張啦,看不懂日文就去學 08/31 06:10
→ KYOUKA:這有很難嗎? 08/31 06:10
→ KYOUKA:還有,眼睛掏出來,你特意抓出來的所謂政見其實兩黨都有。 08/31 06:11
→ KYOUKA:不過很抱歉喔,日本真正親的是美國,有沒有很失望啊? 08/31 06:11
→ KYOUKA:需要找幾個政見給你開開眼?嗯? 08/31 06:12
推 q1234:現在都民國幾年啦 ? 緬懷人家N年前的說法比較爽是不是 ?? 08/31 06:20
→ q1234:把人家"這次"贏得大選的政見拿出來看看吧 ! 還支持台灣加入 08/31 06:20
→ q1234:聯合國咧.... 噗吃 !! 08/31 06:20
→ q1234:以為八卦版鄉民比較好騙是吧 ?? XDD 08/31 06:21
→ KYOUKA:幾年喔,2002年八月,有很久嗎?還是你根本沒看過? 08/31 06:21
→ KYOUKA:要不要我把原始文件貼出來啊?嗯? 08/31 06:22
→ KYOUKA:還政見,你所謂的親中兩邊都有寫啦。 08/31 06:22
→ KYOUKA:人家也不是因為親中所以勝選的,醒醒吧你。 08/31 06:23
→ KYOUKA:贏得大選的政見,你真的知道人家有什麼政見?-_- 08/31 06:25