作者: cornflower (矢車) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] CNN對台灣風災後頭七的報導
時間: Sun Aug 16 02:04:15 2009



如有誤、有op也請告知<(_ _)>



Taiwanese call for souls to come home


By Pauline Chiou

SHIAO LIN, Taiwan (CNN) -- "I believe a lot of souls are
still in Shiao Lin village," says Yeh Rong Nan.

小林,台灣——「我相信仍有許多靈魂留在小林村」,Yeh Rong Nan說。

Mourners kneel and pray to the dead as they face the
devastated valley of Shiao Lin.


Last weekend the mountain community was erased from the
landscape as Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan killing at
least 120 people. Nothing is left of the village except
mud, rocks, debris and two homes, barely standing.


At the edge of a road overlooking the valley where Shiao
Lin used to sit, grieving relatives were Saturday placing
traditional gifts for the souls of the dead to use in the
afterlife. Paper money, fruit, toothbrushes, slippers, toys
for children.


A man dressed in a yellow shirt wiped tears from his eyes
as he gently threw paper money into a small fire. He called
out to his dead family members: "Grandma, big brother... I
give you these treasures. Take them with you and use them.
Be careful. Travel safely."


Mourning ceremonies on the seventh day after death are a
part of Taiwanese folk tradition, according to Yeh Rong
Nan, from the nearby town of Jia Shian.

根據從鄰近小林的甲仙鄉來的Yeh Rong Nan,頭七祭典是台灣傳統

The "first seventh" is a day when families call out to the
spirits of the dead to calm them and bring them home.


Taiwanese believe when a person dies, they are unaware of
their death and their soul wanders. It is the
responsibility of the living families to guide the departed
and if the souls don't come home by the seventh day, they
become ghosts.


On a road near what was left of Shiao Lin, several families
gathered Saturday to perform this duty, burning incense as
a way to open communication with the dead.


Generations bowed, kneeled, and prayed. "Mother, little
brother, grandchildren... When you walk across the bridge,
hold steady," wailed one woman, referring to a bridge that
souls are believed cross into the afterlife.


Tsai Sung Yu, who grew up in Shiao Lin village but now

lives and works in Taipei, lost his mother, brother,
sister-in-law and their 7-year old daughter in the

長大於小林但現在在台北工作的Tsai Sung Yu,在這次的土石流中

Pointing to the mud plain below where his house used to
stand, he said with tears in his eyes: "It would have been
beneath those rocks there. All you can see is mud and rocks
now. My school, my family, my house.... they're gone."


He revealed his 3-year-old nephew escaped death because he
was visiting an aunt nearby. But, he says, the boy is now
asking for his mother and father.


Tsai says quietly: "We tell him the road home is still cut
off because of the storm. My sister will now adopt him."


In the nearby town of Jia Shian a public memorial was also
being held Saturday, with grieving families placing photos
of each dead relative on tables.


The Lin family, who lost three relatives to Morakot bowed
to their photos, and called out to their souls: "Change
your muddy clothes. We are here. Don't be scared. Come


An elderly woman, Yu Chin Chih, stood in front of a table
of 10 photos, pointing to each one. "That one's gone. He's
gone. This one is also gone and all these grandchildren are
gone," she said.

一位名叫Yu Chin Chih的老婆婆,站在擺有十張遺照的靈桌前,一個

"We went to Shiao Lin village for the first time yesterday
to look for their bodies. But then I realized there's
nothing we could do. We couldn't find them."


It's unlikely the victims will be found anytime soon. The

village is buried under five stories of mud. Looking into
the valley, one mourner called to the souls of his loved
ones. He said, "Be careful. Travel safely."


http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/07/01/daily.snapshot/index.html 照片

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: cornflower 來自: (08/16 02:04)
AllenHuang:翻譯辛苦了 08/16 02:04
qqqa: 122 08/16 02:05
takohice:Q_____________________Q 08/16 02:05
keepoo:唉... 08/16 02:05
tetsuro: 借轉可以嗎? 08/16 02:05
gotohikaru: 08/16 02:05
kugyu:R.I.P 08/16 02:06
mike1990: 默哀推 08/16 02:06
boxoxox: 辛苦了 08/16 02:06
jingl:強者翻譯~ 感謝 08/16 02:06
otowa1006:Q__________________Q 08/16 02:06
w74827:R.I.P 08/16 02:06
shacking:看了眼淚都用噴的了 08/16 02:06
miyamodo2007:Q_Q 08/16 02:06
※ 編輯: cornflower 來自: (08/16 02:07)
cafelife:淚推... 08/16 02:06
GoodLife:那個那個那個都走了 這段很心酸 08/16 02:07
ZacLin:請問馬囧到底什麼時候頭七阿 08/16 02:07
acer6772:唉... 08/16 02:07
stoolkuo:淚推 R.I.P 08/16 02:07
rin5542:Q___Q 08/16 02:07
CClock:好悲.... 08/16 02:07
flamer:....老婆婆那個真的讓我很想哭 08/16 02:07
tetsuro: 謝謝原PO ^_^ 08/16 02:07
em77:淚推 R.I.P 08/16 02:07
ffmuteki9:翻譯得非常好。 08/16 02:07
bicycleman:都哭了我,為啥馬看不到台灣人民的淚,看得到濤的手勢? 08/16 02:08
xshane831:碼影告什麼時候頭七 08/16 02:08
erty:真的很慘,淚推翻譯 08/16 02:08
andy80209:心酸.... 08/16 02:08
pig2003zoo:R.I.P. 請活著的人堅強 08/16 02:08
boxoxox:轉錄至看板 Hate 08/16 02:08
ffmuteki9:抓出文章要說的語義後用臺灣人的知識觀點翻譯很棒。 08/16 02:08
gh20502:默哀推... 08/16 02:08
namie20:Q______Q 最近都哭到眼淚好酸 唉 08/16 02:08
okiayu:R.I.P. 08/16 02:08
namie20:眼睛好酸 = = 08/16 02:08
tetsuro:馬囧什麼時候頭七阿 08/16 02:08
ffmuteki9:然後為不幸罹難者祈福……安息吧… 08/16 02:09
kerjia:眼睛流汗了 08/16 02:09
headcase:............太難過了 08/16 02:09
inzoo10:R.I.P 08/16 02:09
freecan:辛苦了 08/16 02:09
panda816:哭哭... 08/16 02:09
mujika:願亡者安息 08/16 02:09
yashingno:Q__________________________________________________Q 08/16 02:09
frank77823:淚推..... 老婆婆那個...好辛酸....... 08/16 02:09
nickstarwind:那個婆婆真的不知道怎麼支持他走下去...Q____Q 08/16 02:09
cwdm:Q_______________________________________________Q 08/16 02:09
OrcaLee:加油! 08/16 02:09
aax:T_T 08/16 02:09
zocobp:幹 我睡不著了啦...Q Q 08/16 02:09
irina0629:默哀推 08/16 02:10
ronshiju: R.I.P.今天頭七的新聞真的令人心痛,眼淚停不了 08/16 02:10
yorick:R.I.P 08/16 02:10
endi:一路順行有點怪 改成一路好走 會不會比較好? 08/16 02:10
ccps0711:辛苦了 08/16 02:10
joeblack0205:淚推 08/16 02:10
bkr:QQ加油阿 婆婆也要堅強 08/16 02:10
tibro:Q__________Q 08/16 02:10
nvalue:R.I.P 08/16 02:10
amida959:感謝翻譯 願他們在天上都能安息.... 08/16 02:10
bawbaw520:願亡者安息.. 哭了QQ 08/16 02:11
DayFly0515:R.I.P. 願逝者安息 08/16 02:11
andy80209:一路順行用台語發音 08/16 02:11
NTUkerker:天阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(大哭) 08/16 02:11
aprilwater:感謝翻譯 願所有在這次災難中離去的靈魂都能安息 08/16 02:11
iamrobert:淚推... 08/16 02:11
farnorth:R.I.P 看完都哭了 08/16 02:11
yabition0411:R.I.P 08/16 02:12
lopas:感謝翻譯 ..不過我覺得原文比較感人QQ 08/16 02:12
yuwks:R.I.P 今天新聞看到他們這樣真的哭爆 08/16 02:12
sundaybag:R.I.P....安息吧...Q_Q 08/16 02:12
kedo: 很心酸..T____________T 08/16 02:12
pttxo:老婆婆那一段真的太可憐了...Q Q 08/16 02:12
DANO1:淚推 願亡者安息 08/16 02:12
san88304:R.I.P 08/16 02:12
fenglingling:真的令人難過 08/16 02:12
iceafu:R.I.P. 安息吧..Q____________Q 文章寫得很好..超級催淚... 08/16 02:12
future9210:R.I.P 08/16 02:12
shiningwing:我只知道2012如果他還當選就真的沒天理了 08/16 02:13
a10141013:R.I.P 08/16 02:13
hankwu:那個老婆婆.....Q____q 08/16 02:13
fegat:RIP.. 08/16 02:13
FirstAngel:感謝翻譯,願亡者一路好走,希望還活著的要堅強啊Q_Q 08/16 02:13
happy8456:淚推...感謝強者翻譯~ 08/16 02:14
senegg:R.I.P. 願逝者安息 08/16 02:14
ZacLin:碼迥開放大陸民眾投票 會以七億票當選 08/16 02:14
wega:R.I.P. 大家加油 台灣加油 08/16 02:14
Ivan168:哭了.. 08/16 02:14
RitsuN: 〒△〒 08/16 02:15
pasti:別讓這種爛人再當選...R.I.P. 08/16 02:15
gso5566:R.I.P. 08/16 02:15
sangsong2005:R.I.P 08/16 02:16
tequilawu:我看到那位一家15口全罹難那位 他說他手不夠拿相框 08/16 02:16
shawlai:眼淚在打轉 >"< 08/16 02:16
alibuda38:sadness..... R.I.P. 08/16 02:16
ncu1319:哀戚大於憤怒 R.I.P 08/16 02:16
yaya:喜酒碼快到到黃泉路下讓罹難者制裁吧 08/16 02:16
tequilawu:太重 我淚一整個快飆出來 太悲了 R.I.P 08/16 02:17
chejrk:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jF2CwwFsho 送給往生的人 08/16 02:17
mimipig:唉...... 08/16 02:17
McRay: 08/16 02:17
jasonki:快農曆七月了,馬英九小心你背後呀 08/16 02:17
sakura39::::::> <::::: 08/16 02:17
Faoitohins:翻得好又通順! 推 08/16 02:17
griff:R.I.P 08/16 02:18
backflow:R.I.P (感謝翻譯) 08/16 02:18
SKnight:哭了 08/16 02:18
csmith:R.I.P 馬英囧我好希望過橋的是你!!! 08/16 02:19
fongling:R.I.P 看完第一段就哭了 完全執政那些人 唉 08/16 02:19
neji12149:水準比台灣記者高太多了 08/16 02:20
Imdream:R.I.P 08/16 02:20
nowfish:我一直流淚~~R.I.P 08/16 02:20
lavieboheme: 08/16 02:20
Aotsuki:讓它爆!!! 08/16 02:21
wpinyu:爆 08/16 02:21
apic:may the dead rest in peace.. 08/16 02:21
AllenHuang:台灣加油! 天祐台灣! 08/16 02:21
zincs:R.I.P. 08/16 02:21
gdgy:人非草木 ... 哭吧 08/16 02:21
kobesec:R.I.P. 08/16 02:21
applexgreen:QQ 08/16 02:22
Avatar6:R.I.P 08/16 02:22
becarrie:淚推翻譯 08/16 02:25
bottleblue:一路好走 08/16 02:26
TCFmars:R.I.P. 最後一段少翻一句 "這村莊被埋在五層樓高的土石下" 08/16 02:26
staria:看完真沉重.. 08/16 02:26
jingword:台灣加油 08/16 02:29
Jaxis:R.I.P. 08/16 02:29
dingwaichun:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 08/16 02:29
flydragon198:R.I.P 真的太沈重 08/16 02:30
ss951357:R.I.P 08/16 02:31
QQkid:一路好走 天佑台灣! 08/16 02:31
tallhigh:R.I.P 08/16 02:31
lazycat924:謝謝翻譯 T口T 08/16 02:31
ROSSl:寫的很好 翻的也很好 令人鼻酸... 08/16 02:31
ANOTHERK:R.I.P 08/16 02:32
gouba:Be careful. Travel safely.......... 08/16 02:32
tom11725:台灣加油 08/16 02:32
choco666:淚推 R.I.P.......台灣加油... 08/16 02:32
k1a1t1a1n1a:翻譯的非常好......但也太悲傷了 08/16 02:33
lunaj:好難過 08/16 02:34
ktvno1:R.I.P .. 台灣加油 08/16 02:34
majanliu:看完照片後...眼眶模糊了 〒△〒 08/16 02:34
jingl:那我也借走了~ 感謝~ 08/16 02:34
orze04:老婆婆那段真的好傷心... 08/16 02:35
chengcti:看CNN學英文, 不過國外記者的文筆真的比台灣很太多太多了 08/16 02:35
snowcool:看完好難過..... 08/16 02:35
chengcti:我才跟看完所有CNN報導,我們的記者只會亂加題材 08/16 02:36
djmay:R.I.P 台灣加油!!! 08/16 02:38
※ 編輯: cornflower 來自: (08/16 02:39)
ROCKLINTW:嗚~R.I.P. 台灣加油阿!  08/16 02:39
coollonger:願亡者安息 y 08/16 02:40
prefaces:看完我很沉重 為何事發後 9鄰之後被活埋的事被隱瞞 08/16 02:40
moonshine59:R.I.P. 哭.. 08/16 02:41
prefaces:我本以為是假的 軍聞社也發了一堆消息..後來ptt才是真的 08/16 02:41
fendapanda:好難過 08/16 02:41
apek:R.I.P. 08/16 02:41
a74citiya:R.I.P......祝福他們 08/16 02:42
ZC:感謝翻譯。 也希望死者安息... 08/16 02:44
sooppp:劉x玄如果死了..我一定大放鞭炮慶祝..死的好... 08/16 02:47
titlis:哭著看完 08/16 02:47
gina216:R.I.P. 08/16 02:53
cpr:善良又樸實的小林村民請安息~R.I.P 08/16 02:53
singlewolf:RIP, 寫得很好 翻譯得也很好 08/16 02:53
kaibaseto:令人傷心 08/16 02:53
skypons:R.I.P 跟著念出來...心都碎了..住亡者安息,生者平息。 08/16 02:53
ahuie:...................................................... 08/16 02:54
n84066:"Be careful. Travel safely." R.I.P. 08/16 02:55
mattycm:如果台灣的媒體有他們1/10的好 (遠目) 08/16 02:55
season002:謝謝翻譯 (也希望所有死者一路好走) 08/16 02:55
jujula:R.I.P 一路好走...加油!! 08/16 02:56
CarryOn:這個記者是台灣人第二代 一個女生 超有擔當的 08/16 03:02
trueae:我看到哭.....幹! 08/16 03:03
※ 編輯: cornflower 來自: (08/16 03:05)
avrilrock:翻得很棒 08/16 03:05
julia66:R.I.P. 08/16 03:09
exrocist:罹難者R.I.P. 令人哀痛的翻譯 謝謝原PO 08/16 03:10
chingmeow:感謝翻譯,原文借轉了 08/16 03:16
leeseen:R.I.P. 08/16 03:22
ipiscrh:非常感謝翻譯,借轉了 08/16 03:22
ipiscrh:轉錄至看板 Tainan 08/16 03:22
kkumi:寫的真好 08/16 03:27
pcisfifa:R.I.P. 08/16 03:30
lightmycat:天阿 Q_____________Q 08/16 03:31
MissEdithC:翻譯的很好 英文系都不知道翻不翻的成這樣 08/16 03:36
deepdows:好難過 08/16 03:42
supida:R.I.P. 08/16 03:55
goodkid:Pauline Chiou就是那個台裔記者邱曼怡(父母是高雄人) 08/16 04:00
Ruthcat:翻的真的太棒了,一面看一面流淚 08/16 04:19
guast:光看英文就足以噴淚,看了中文更是...... 08/16 04:26
shiroyama:翻的很棒…看的好心酸… 08/16 04:34
allen880808:R.I.P. 08/16 04:44
tonyselina: 08/16 05:07
linlin168:R.I.P 08/16 06:28
drsjp:R.I.P 08/16 07:15
ashin1069:好文 謝謝你 08/16 07:48
jtmh:R.I.P 08/16 08:01
hagric:R.I.P 看完又哭了... 08/16 08:13
agong:淚 08/16 08:30
shunchao:.. 08/16 08:30
seice:轉錄至某隱形看板 08/16 08:48
evilsura:淚推文章與好翻譯 R.I.P...... 08/16 08:51
j3236494cg:R.I.P. 08/16 09:02
markboy4317:好文章 借引用網誌 08/16 09:15
pophoward:RIP 08/16 09:33
lovefordidi:R.I.P. 願亡者在天堂永享安樂 生者早日走出傷痛 08/16 09:41
kirby0415:是洋蔥!! QQ 08/16 10:11
fukobe:第一次看英文看到想哭..翻譯的很傳神... 08/16 10:11
wannabe2:一早起床一直掉淚...... 08/16 10:19
allanh:R.I.P. 08/16 10:26
hcmomo:看了好難過 一直掉淚 08/16 10:41
OdieX:眼眶都濕了 唉 08/16 10:45
ayann718:這才是新聞稿 08/16 11:04
ioum11:......Q____Q 活下來的更痛苦阿 心酸 08/16 11:05
imphs:R.I.P. 08/16 11:07
sodeass:Q_Q 好難過 08/16 11:12
shayne5626:R.I.P. 08/16 11:36
liquormania:R.I.P.... 08/16 12:00
kutsu:好悲喔 謝謝翻譯 08/16 12:03
gihunter:看到哭了Q__Q 08/16 12:18
shav:哭著推R.I.P 08/16 12:29
flyinhigh:哭著推 08/16 12:31
titi2:R.I.P. 希望每個罹難者一路好走...謝謝你的翻譯! 08/16 12:37
titi2:我想轉貼在我的部落格上,謝謝! 08/16 12:39
batt7985: 很專業清新的新聞,這才是新聞啊! 唉R.I.P 08/16 12:43
bluefly24:R.I.P. 希望每個罹難者一路好走...謝謝你的翻譯! 08/16 12:48
tbhou0415:QQ 08/16 13:06
miq:願死者安息 生者堅強渡過 08/16 13:18
tweslick:R.I.P. 08/16 13:19
dreamseeker1:"Be careful. Travel safely." R.I.P 08/16 13:22
yspen:R.I.P. 08/16 13:49
Tribute:R.I.P 08/16 13:57
Rawlston:好難過,哭了 08/16 15:00
pin0615:R.I.P. 08/16 15:14
    創作者 timeboy 的頭像


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