履歷表就是CV, CV 就是履歷表
Resume 和 CV 都用, 但是對美國人來說, CV 和 Resume 是兩種不同的東西
在美國, 一般在政府機關或公私立行號找工作, 要準備的是 resume!
如果是要找學術方面的工作, 如在大專院校教書, 做研究, 就必須準備CV, 而 CV 比 Resume 複雜冗長許多
Resume 要求的是簡潔扼要, 廢話不多, 直接把申請人的經驗, 特點和優勢列出來
CV 則是鉅細靡遺的把申請人的學術背景, 教學經驗, 工作經驗, 研究發表成果, 學術會議發表成果, 申請補助成果等等等通通列出來, 可能長達五頁以上
CV is a little bit more detailed. It is widely used in applying academic job because applicants list their publication, research ... etc. It can be several pages long.
Resumes (Resume is wrong because there is always a 's' at the end of this word) is widely used in non-academic jobs in US. It is a brief introduction of yourself including your education, work experience. Often it is limited to at most two pages long.
In US, only your name and contact information is listed in CV or resumes. No other personal information such as marital status, gender, age is put in the CV or resumes to avoid discrimination.
If you are applying for a research position or a university teaching job, you probably need a CV. If you just apply for other job, a resumes will be sufficient. Of course, you need to find out what information is required by the company you apply. (Some companies or organization may even require a personal statement about your goal, personal strength and weakness, vision ... etc)
So, it is not related to whether you have working experience or not.
Hope it can help you.
參考: http://wec.shu.edu.tw/www/wec2/c.html