Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
這是一首來自愛爾蘭傳統的反戰的歌曲,同時也被改編為一首美國流行樂When Johnny Comes Marching Home,諷刺的是這首歌卻是期待著戰爭的親戚朋友歸來的歌曲。一般認為這首歌的背景是19世紀初期愛爾蘭的軍隊加入英國東印度公司,從Athy調到錫蘭作戰後返鄉所留下的反戰歌曲。
While goin' the road to sweet Athy While goin' the road to sweet Athy While goin' the road to sweet Athy A stick in the hand and a drop in the eye A doleful damsel I heard cry, Johnny I hardly knew ye. With your guns and drums and drums and guns With your guns and drums and drums and guns With your guns and drums and drums and guns The enemy nearly slew ye Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer Johnny I hardly knew ye. Where are your eyes that were so mild Where are your eyes that were so mild Where are your eyes that were so mild When my heart you so beguiled? Why did ye skedaddle from me and the child? Oh Johnny, I hardly knew ye. Where are your legs that used to run Where are your legs that used to run Where are your legs that used to run When you went for to carry a gun To be sure but your dancing days are done Oh Johnny, I hardly knew ye. I'm happy for to see ye home I'm happy for to see ye home I'm happy for to see ye home All from the island of Ceylon So low in flesh, so high in bone Oh Johnny I hardly knew ye. Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg, Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg, Ye'll have to be put with a bowl to beg, Oh Johnny I hardly knew ye. They're rolling out the guns again They're rolling out the guns again They're rolling out the guns again, But they never will take our sons again, No they never will take our sons again, Oh Johnny I hardly knew ye. | 在回到甜蜜的亞泰路上, 在回到甜蜜的亞泰路上, 在回到甜蜜的亞泰路上,持著拐杖含著淚水的我, 聽到一個少女的悲傷的哭喊, Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 帶著你的槍和鼓和槍和鼓, 帶著你的槍和鼓和槍和鼓, 帶著你的槍和鼓和槍和鼓,敵人差點殺了你。 親愛的你的樣子看起來好奇怪 Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 你那溫柔的雙眼到哪去了, 你那溫柔的雙眼到哪去了, 你那讓我著迷的溫柔雙眼到哪去了? 為什麼要背著我和孩子離去? Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 你那奔跑雙腳到哪去了, 你那奔跑雙腳到哪去了, 你那跑去拿槍的雙腳到哪去了? 我只知道過去與你共舞的日子將不再, Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 很高興能看到你回家, 很高興能看到你回家, 很高興能看到你骨瘦如柴地從錫蘭回家, Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 你沒有手臂,你沒有了腳, 你沒有手臂,你沒有了腳, 你沒有手臂,你沒有了腳, 你是一個沒有手、沒有骨頭也孵不出雞的蛋。 你只能和一個碗去外面乞討。 Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 他們又在製造槍了, 他們又在製造槍了, 他們又在製造槍也永遠帶不回我的兒子, 永遠帶不回我的兒子。 Johnny 我幾乎認不出你了。 |
《當約翰尼邁步回家時》("When Johnny Comes Marching Home"),有時亦稱為《當約翰尼再次邁步回家時》,是一首美國內戰時人們表達渴望他們在戰場上的親戚朋友早日回家的歌曲。這首歌的旋律是以一首愛爾蘭的反戰歌曲——《Jonny I Hardly Knew Ye》——為主[1]。同樣使用這個旋律的歌有兒童歌曲《螞蟻一個接一個的前進》("The Ants Go Marching One By One")以及《動物們成雙成對的進去》("The Animals Went in Two by Two")。此歌的歌詞是由愛爾蘭裔美國人派崔克·吉爾摩(Patrick Gilmore)所寫的,他的歌詞完全與原本的反戰歌詞相反。在原本的反戰歌曲中,約翰尼回家時眼睛是瞎的、雙腳是瘸的,而且他是回到一個他當初為了參加戰爭而狠心拋棄的女人身邊。使用同樣旋律且也與美國內戰有關的歌還有"For Bale",這是一首諷刺美聯邦〔北方〕軍隊佔領紐奧良時的強盜行徑。
When Johnny comes marching home again,Hurrah! Hurrah!We'll give him a hearty welcome thenHurrah! Hurrah!The men will cheer and the boys will shoutThe ladies they will all turn outAnd we'll all feel gay,When Johnny comes marching home.The old church bell will peal with joyHurrah! Hurrah!To welcome home our darling boyHurrah! Hurrah!The village lads and lassies sayWith roses they will strew the way,And we'll all feel gayWhen Johnny comes marching home.Get ready for the Jubilee,Hurrah! Hurrah!We'll give the hero three times three,Hurrah! Hurrah!The laurel wreath is ready nowTo place upon his loyal browAnd we'll all feel gayWhen Johnny comes marching home.Let love and friendship on that day,Hurrah, hurrah!Their choicest treasures then display,Hurrah, hurrah!And let each one perform some part,To fill with joy the warrior's heart,And we'll all feel gayWhen Johnny comes marching home當約翰尼再次邁步回家時,萬歲!萬歲!我們將會給他熱誠的歡迎萬歲!萬歲!男人們將會歡呼而男孩將會呼喊所有的女人都會出來慶祝而我們都覺得興奮無比,當約翰尼邁步回家時。老教堂的鐘會喜悅地敲響著萬歲!萬歲!歡迎我們親愛的男孩回家萬歲!萬歲!村莊裡的少年和少女說著,並為他回家的路鋪上玫瑰,而我們都覺得興奮無比當約翰尼邁步回家時。準備好狂歡慶典,萬歲!萬歲!我們將給英雄無比歡呼,萬歲!萬歲!月桂花圈現在已準備好將放在他忠貞的頭上而我們都覺得興奮無比當約翰尼再次邁步回家時。讓那天充滿愛與友情,萬歲!萬歲!展示你們最珍貴的珍寶,萬歲!萬歲!並各自表演節目,讓喜悅充滿勇士的心,而我們都覺得興奮無比當約翰尼邁步回家時。